Vote Flatley!

This blog is caught up in the hype, is making the shape of a phone with its hand, and is saying Stavros Flatley must win tonight.

You tube are disabling the links in a deliberate effort to make my blog look antique but it’s worth searching Stavros Flatley over there…


Dance Genius

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7 Responses to Vote Flatley!

  1. OS says:

    Emebdding disabled by request. 😦

    M. le etc…

  2. Stephen Foster says:


  3. OS says:

    Just fantastic. I was in tears here. 🙂


  4. Stephen Foster says:

    The final is from 6.35 tonight: we are getting the taramosalta and feta in ready and I am saying Athens for the weekender after next in tribute :–)

  5. chiffs says:

    I like the ‘we’ in there. I have just been shopping. I have just asked for assistance with the carrying in and unpacking of shopping. I have been ignored as usual.
    Diversity. That’s all I’m saying.

  6. AndyP says:

    Well I see your pick fell short Winger, like many of your horses by all accounts. 😉 To cheer you up there’s something of a culinary flavour to my latest blog.

  7. Stephen Foster says:

    Just one more column in the colonnade of travesties of justice.

    I think the death knell sounded when Amanda Holden said they must win. Still, I will never forget them, and tomorrow I am planing a fitting testimonial post.

    Pls not Trezza ‘Newsboy’s Naps’ comment ;–)

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